
Tag: Kota kinabalu sabah

Kundasang War Memorial

A must-visit in Kundasang is that the Kundasang War Memorial. Established in 1962, this was one among the primary memorials to commemorate the brave Australian and British Prisoners of WarWorld Health Organization died in Sandakan throughout the ill-famed death marches to Ranau during war II. The memorial additionally remembers the individuals of North Borneo World Health Organization risked their lives to assist the POWs.

The Memorial is formed from four stunning gardens – the Australian Garden, nation Garden, theKalimantan Garden and also the Contemplation Garden and Pool – to represent the various nationalities. With its lofty pine trees and blooming roses, an enter the gardens is redolent to it of a strolling a very quaint English garden. The scent of roses lingers within the air and also the serene atmosphere makes the Kundasang War Memorial a perfect place to ponder and keep in mind the heroes of the war. guests may value more highly to read a short video on the history of the Sandakan Death March.

Opening Hours

Open daily from 8:30am to 5:30pm

Getting There

Kundasang is located 90km, about 2 hrs driving from Kota Kinabaluand only10 minutes driving from Kinabalu Park. Take a bus from the Jalan Padang Bus Terminal to Kundasang or Ranau for approximately RM17.00 per person. A taxi from the Ranau Taxi Stand (located beside the Merdeka Field) or from your hotel should cost around RM160.00 to RM300.00 per taxi.

Admission Fee

MyKad holders: RM2.00 per person
Others: RM10.00 per person


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